Raff Viton's Fundraiser

2020 SEALFIT IS STILL WORKING ON DOING 22M BURPEES FOR VETS to help veterans with PTS - we've got under 2M burpees left as of Jan 2020
2018+2019 Team Viton/Naperville has contributed 638,324 burpees
TEAM VITON/NAPERVILLE contributed 638,324 burpees since we started in 2018 and CONTRIBUTING STILL IN 2020 to get to the 22M goal.
There are lots of things to make a big deal about today...and I think PTS is one topic to make a bigger deal about: The VA released a report which consisted of the nation's largest analysis of veteran suicide, indicating that an average of 22 veterans a day die from suicide.
Annual number of suicides per 100,000 population (never served/vets+active service):
Never served| in military |
Veterans and active service |
Women | 5.2 | 28.7 (+550% compared to women who never served) |
Men | 20.9 | 32.1 (+150% compared to men who never served) |
SHOCKING statistics, right? that's why I think we should be making a bigger deal about this - look at the tragic % increase!
Please consider sponsoring/donating to my team's fundraising commitment for this important cause...start your own team and/or join my team and do some burpees too, to help ensure we hit/EXCEED the goal & more importantly, spread the awareness.
Team NAPERVILLE - anyone who contributes burpees or $ includes: Kent Barr, Marcello Avelli, Rosy & Kelly Viton and her LITE@CrossFit630 group, Nate's CrossFIT630, Jen Hoeft @j-fit.com and her workout crews, Susan from LA Fitness and her workout crews, Joy Yoder, Diana P.Hoyt, Ryan Hoyt, Will Hoyt, Jess Colton, Tony Burke, Kyle Counter, Shannyn Lee, Blair Enns, Sarah @WWP, McRae & Beth Williams, Steve Walintschek, Beverly Moore, Jim O'Brien, Landon Sheets, Billy Neufeld, Michelle Hollingshead, Jenna Holbrook, Rafael+Barbara Viton, me and a few others so far...if you wish to help add your burpees to the daily totals, text me or email me at raphaelviton@gmail.com with your daily, weekly, or monthly total - whatever is easiest for you.
In 2018 I committed to doing 100,000+ total burpees - and raise as much $ as possible for VETS.
The money goes to the Courage Foundation which offers innovative programs that are making a difference in the lives of veterans suffering from PTS. The Courage Foundation's mission is to foster post-traumatic growth, restore purpose and transform lives through integrative self-awareness, physical health, mental toughness, emotional resilience and spiritual well-being.
To make a pledge hit the red "donate" button:
Donate $2? $22? ANY amount that you can spare is greatly appreciated.
Thank You! Burpees for Vets
If you wish to join the team and help add your burpees to the total, email me at raphaelviton@gmail.com
burpee image sourced from https://crossfitunbreakable.com/wod/20170508/6-rea...